Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Busy boy, busy boy, busy boy...

I have had one hell of a busy summer!
Between BBQing, Video gaming, tech toy gathering, drinking, Dancing, Camping and SEX (list not in order of frequency)
I have truly out done previous summers, I think!
another summer gone and once again I have gained all the weight I lost
at least I got to hang out with brave traveling Anthony!
(even helping you move was fun!)
and through all of this I realize
I miss Brady
we had great convos on video games, bluray vs hddvd, and what it is I actually do during work!
somebody tell him to txt me so I can have his number...
(also tell him I am a serial txter and hope he has unlimited txts)
which leads to this question...(not that it has to do with me and Brady)
Has anyone every Cybertxted? (sexually)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

With whom do plan on doing this with considering I don't have a cell phone or even know how to send a text message...
Although I do enjoy your honesty in blogging, it's not quite the place I'd be expecting to read of a text affair with Brady. No use tempting him with this blog either, if he were interested he would have jumped you when you offered him your beef!
(this is sarcastic and tongue in cheek btw, except that I do not have a cell, I do know how to text, and that Rob is gay...those are all true)