Monday, January 29, 2007

Non Smokers, SHUT UP!

I dont need you to tell me smoking is bad, I think I figured that out for myself especially with all the warnings all over the pack and the Johnson TRUTH freaks on patrol...
BTW If I find out any of those truth morons have ever smoked weed or hung out with someone who smokes weed, I will declare war! GOT THAT?
Now dont give me a lecture, dont harrass me dont tell me the benefits of quitting. I know already, if I havent quit or tryed to its time to mind your own goddamn biz, fool! Cause you know whats bad for your health?
A very angry ROB SHAW.
Now do something valuable like find out why there a liquor store on every corner in the hood or find out the effects of alchoholism and ban beer.
You got my fried foods, you took away fois gras,
you stopped me from going to a bar having a beer and a smoke,
you charge me up the ass to keep this habit going,
I think its time for you to back off and STFU!
Go hug a tree or something.
Cause I promise you
Harrassing me will cause more damage to you then any second hand smoke...


Anonymous said...

Ok Rob my thoughts bout you smoking is you is an grown ass man and you make that decision for your self....Your smoking never bothers me and I never questioned you about it (except for the time I saw on ur pack saying that THIS PRODUCT KILLS...LOL) and besides, I seen way more worst smokers than you and ur the only black friend I know that don't smoke newports...LOL. To be honest Robby, I don't care bout ur smoking habits...and seeing you without an stogie makes me worry cuz I'm used to seeing one in ur mouth :)

Unknown said...

hell fuckin yeah. fuckin non smokers. trans fat is bad for you though. im a bacon fat person. nothing but good ol fashioned bacon fat. MMM-MM THATS GOOD BITCH!

Bryan said...

At least Smoking is healthier than Fascism

Anonymous said...

you can make your own choices and you know the health implications of smoking. nobody should make you stop smoking.

what i DO care about is that inhaling second hand smoke affects ME. I am severely asthmatic and when I walk by a smoker and inhale their smoke, i feel sick and cough... and for the rest of the day my lungs are aching. why don't you smokers care about asthmatics like me? its not my choice that it makes me sick.

Unknown said...

Not sure why I'm commenting, I've argued this with you before to no avail. I'm a non smoker despite the fact that everyone in my family is either currently or was at one point a smoker - so I grew up around smokers. I will leave out the health aspect because as you said that would be stating the obvious, but I fully agree with the ban on Cig's in bars and restaurants - the latter for obvious reasons (cause a place that smells like an ashtray is not very appetizing). As far as bars go I don't really enjoy eye and lung irritation when I'm trying to have a good time nor do I enjoy coming home smelling like an ashtray.

- The bottom line: You love smoking so much take your dumbass to the store buy a pack for $8 smoke em outside and stop your bitching!

Erica said...

About frickin' time you got yo'self a blog....I always thought you were one of the smart ones.

By the way, you can smoke AT THE BAR in Nashville. It was pretty cool.