Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Back again.....

So I went to the Gym with my lovely wife and daughter and decided to step on the scale....
yep so in the 2yrs since i was last going to the gym on a regular basis, I have gained almost all back (I was 301 then went down to 245 now I stand at 288 ugh)
So I am back on a regular regiment of Gym and attempting to eat healthy (ie only what my wife makes)
I have also cut down smoking...
so yeah I am annoyed due to both those things and the general nuttiness that is work (look I avoided saying evil things!!!)
I happen to like 3 things that contribute to health issues
1. Beer/Alchohol: A good beer can really make a meal taste good and 2 -3 can just relax every tired muscle in your body, kinda like having a massage therapist in a glass bottle and tasty too!
2. Smoking: Goes hand in hand with Beer or even coffee, the whole not healthy part annoys me though...
3. Food: lots of tastey food in many ways...hence 288lbs!
So most of the tension caused by releaving my self of the 3 things i like could be released by hitting people, but really does that solve anything?
I think mass murder applies here
but I should have limits...
stupid people (ie Most of the people in penn station) are on top of the list
and sales people (I still havent caught one to sacrafice to the God of Electricity)
NJ drivers...
i could cut the population by a third and still not be done
eh or maybe i will just have 1 beer 1 smoke and 1 spare rib...

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